November 2021 Printable Daily Crosswords

We have provided you with a list of September crossword puzzles that are easy to load and print using with the free to use trusted Adobe PDF reader. Return daily to find a new Printable puzzle. Thank you for supporting Free Daily Crosswords your daily free printable crossword trusted provider!


Members Announcement

Please remember that this website is free and operating becuase of the wonderful volunteers that commit their free time when they can. And in these difficult times most of our volunteers are working long hours to assist medical staff to tackle the COVID. The purpose of this site is to provide crossword puzzles to help prevent dementia and keep our minds active.

December 2021 Printable Crosswords
November 2021 Printable Crosswords
November 2021 Printable Crossword Solutions
Previous 2021 Printable Crosswords
Alternative Crossword Puzzle games to print and enjoy!!

Please also explore our other months Printable Crosswords and Crossword Solutions.


  1. Jack Vroble says

    Thanx for your efforts!

  2. how do we get the answers

  3. Edward Heins says

    Every day I print a crossword for my wife, and she enjoys solving them (with my help)
    we thank you for your continued efforts to provide for us this entertainment.

  4. Carol Treffner says

    Puzzles won’t open up now.

  5. I am thankful for this site and all of the people who make it possible!

  6. Would be nice to have the option to ‘print all’, rather than one at a time.

  7. My 89 year old Mom and I love the puzzles. Just a note: Nov 15 and Nov 17 are the same puzzle and Oct is missing two dates, the 26th and 31st.

  8. I’m so grateful for your time and effort to provide this for all of us!
    Thank you!

  9. This is a great service you provide.
    I was wondering if you could add a link that would have the entire month in one pdf, so that we could print 30 crosswords at once, rather than each one individually.

  10. what happened to 10/31 and 11/30 puzzles?

  11. no last 2 days of nov.

  12. Don Conwell says

    Nov. 29 30 puzzles were not posted.

  13. I use these puzzles for incarcerated men in colorado. These and other free printable sites help them cope with outbreaks in prison. We are now in our third outbreak.

    thanks for all you do. Such a simple thing as a puzzles really helps a lot.

  14. Why am I doing the same puzzles for Nov. 2022, as I did in Nov. 2021?

  15. Thanks so much for posting these. It’s my morning ritual to wake up my brain while drinking my coffee.
    They’re just the right amount of challenge. Cheers, Wendy

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