February 2021 Printable Daily Crosswords

We have provided you with a list of January crossword puzzles that are easy to load and print using with the free to use trusted Adobe PDF reader. Return daily to find a new Printable puzzle. Thank you for supporting Free Daily Crosswords your daily free printable crossword trusted provider!

As we all endure the latest COVID Virus outbreak we are happy to bring you new TV Guide crosswords to keep you busy during these tough times. Please comment below your thoughts, and thank you for supporting us!

Members Announcement

Please remember that this website is free and operating becuase of the wonderful volunteers that commit their free time when they can. And in these difficult times most of our volunteers are working long hours to assist medical staff to tackle the COVID. The purpose of this site is to provide crossword puzzles to help prevent dementia and keep our minds active. Unfortunately we do receive a lot of negative comments. This has a direct effect on with our volunteers in which a few have ended their assistance to the site. However we do welcome your comments. Please be considerate when commenting, if there is a problem you encounter feel free to comment, and we will try to address the issue as quickly as we can. In the meantime please enjoy our crosswords and please stay safe and healthy!

March 2021 Printable Crosswords
February 2021 Printable Crosswords
February 2021 Printable Crossword Solutions
Previous 2021 Printable Crosswords
Alternative Crossword Puzzle games to print and enjoy!!

Please also explore our other months Printable Crosswords and Crossword Solutions.


  1. Helen B Pate says

    Cannot download the puzzle in the form you sent.

  2. Once again, when I try to access the crossword for Feb. 27, I get an error:
    This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

    Access Denied

    Any fix coming soon??

  3. Corinne Kruse says

    are Marchs puzzles on the way ?

  4. Have you posted March puzzles yet?

  5. Angela Snyder says

    With all due respect, I am still not seeing the March 2021 crosswords listed. I have used both Safari and Google Chrome, neither of which are showing the March 2021 crosswords. Someone must not be uploading/posting them correctly into the website.

  6. I just wanted to extend my thanks to the team that puts this free resource together! It is very much appreciated, and I would donate if there’s a productive way to do that.

    Even when people get things for free they will find a way to complain. Keep up the good work, and thank you again.

  7. Mark Schmidt says

    I just read your member announcement, and am surprised that you get negative and discouraging comments for something that you offer for free.
    I, for one, am very grateful for what you do. These puzzles are just the right difficulty to provide enough challenge to make it interesting, but still be achievable and satisfying.
    I sincerely thank you for what you do. You are providing a wonderful, valuable service. Keep up the good work.

  8. Carolyn Mariegard says

    I was blown away to learn these are done by volunteers! I am 75 years old, on oxygen, and have COPD, so the pandemic practically made me a hermit! Between reading, Jeopardy, and these puzzles I was able to keep the old brain cells churning, and still do it on Social Security! What you do is amazing, and is well appreciated by so many of us! Don’t let the naysayers get you down! Your efforts on our behalf are most assuredly appreciated!

  9. It never ceases to amaze me that people choose a FREE item and then to proceed to complain as if it were something that had paid for. My wife has enjoyed these puzzles for several years and, although there are occasional problems, it is easy to just move on to the next one or ask politely for some assistance. Your efforts to help us keep our sanity not only during the covid but also before and, hopefully , for some time to come.

  10. I would just like to say how much I appreciate all your work to provide these crosswords. Each day I print 2 of the same crossword so my husband and I can see who finishes fastest…I have to say it is a fun part of our day. At this point we are still pretty evenly divided between his wins and mine. 🙂
    Thank you again for providing these!

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