Mixed Doubles Crossword Puzzles

Each answer word in this crossword variation has two clues leading to it, using different meanings of the word. The clues are separated into Across and Down, but are otherwise ordered randomly.
When you find two Across clues or two Down clues that seem to have the same answer, add up their clue numbers to determine the place in the grid where the answer should be entered. For example, if the clue for 1-Across were “Metallic element” and the clue for 17-Across read “Starring role,” the answer would be “lead,” which would go in the box labeled 18 (1 + 17). Note: Tags such as “Hyph.” and “2 wds.” have been omitted.
Enjoy these crossword variations and more from the team of community volunteers at freedailycrosswords.com

Mixed Doubles Crossword Puzzles
Mixed Doubles Crossword Solutions


  1. I like this. I hope there will be more.

  2. Why can’t I get a USA Today puzzle? All I get is a big run-around

    • Crossword Lover says

      Sorry we are not allowed to publish USA today crosswords without paying for their crosswords. As a volunteer website we simply cannot afford to pay. Please enjoy what we can supply for you.

  3. I really enjoy mixed doubles puzzles and would like more in each edition

  4. I loved the mixed doubles puzzle. Are there any more somewhere? I hope you will offer more of these.

  5. Love these and would really like more Mixed Doubles!

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